1. Lose weight to 52kg

2. Toeic 850

3. Pass GEPT High-intermediate Level

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Who I can trust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have a very good time during the last three weeks of summer vacation

Haha~ it is why no diary lately.

Somehing good happened and i hope it would become better and better.

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Yesterday I watched the grades on the Net, and was surprised by the grades which were higher than I thought.

HAHA~ At the monent I felt really released and also satisfied.

Good job, Suyu!

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Without any counting, here comes July.

As usual, I went to the TEAC and was on duty with Enchant.

To my surprise, she showed the eyeshadow which we both like very much and said " Happy Birthday."

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As you know, the semester is ended...but I still have lots of work to do.

I have passed the application of NSC for the ITC in HK. (kind of good luck)

but I haven't even written a word...(kind of suiciding)

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A rare leisure Saturday morning started with my new English conversation group by skype.

There are six members including me and all of us have to pass Toeic over 700.

A pretty good start of a day but the rest of the day I just wanted to relax. HAHA~

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Last Friday night, I took the bus to Taipei.

I visited one of my college classmates, Lily, who is the graduate student of NTNU which was  my dream...

 She is really hard-working on not only school work but also part-time job.

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Because of the following five-day holiday, I slept till moon.

Then boiled some vegeable and noodles for lunch, watched Sponngbob, did laundry and swept the floor.

Thought today was the first day of the national holiday, I still had to go to the class.

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YEAH!!!!!!The hardest day of a week has passed. Though there is still plenty of unfinished work, I always feel joyful and released after Tuesday.

Now let me explain how much I ate today. Because I was late for the first class, I have no time to buy something to eat.

Thank me that I bought some cookies last night for the stay up but I went to bed early. XD

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Today we started the English studying group which has been held for a semester.

I left my little sweet room at 8:30 a.m. to TEAC-TW to explain something before I went to Chi-Mei coffee shop

which is the place we chose to study.

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Time passed so fast on the weekends especially when I did nothing rather than finished things supposed to do on my TO DO list.

Though it was really happy to waste time watching movies, listening to music, sleeping, surfing the Net...and so on,

right now I regreted.

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人家...第一次...加入了影迷俱樂部 XDDDDDDDD


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